
LZ Group at SLAC

Dan and Rosie puzzling over the behavior of this giant Fluitron compressor!
LZ group in lab at SLAC
LZ group at SLAC

Setup Days

Setup day 1 at SLAC
Setup Days at SLAC
Setup Days at SLAC
Setup Days at SLAC
On setup day, a LZ member is inspecting the room
LZ group working hard on setup day

The LZ System Test Platform at SLAC

LZ group in the lab at SLAC doing system tests
LZ group setting up System Test Platform at SLAC
LZ group setting up System Test Platform at SLAC
Setting up LZ System Test Platform
LZ group building system test platform
LZ group setting up System Test Platform
LZ group setting up System Test Platform at SLAC
LZ group setting up System Test Platform at SLAC
LZ group setting up cables for System Test Platform at SLAC
LZ group letting up System Test Platform
LZ System Test Platform all setup

LZ Prototype Detector Assembly

LZ group assembling prototype detector
A prototype detector being assembled
LZ prototype detector being assembled by the group
Prototype detector being assembled
Prototype detector
LZ group assembling Prototype Detector
LZ Prototype Detector
LZ Prototype Detector based assembly
LZ researcher looking through Prototype cylinder
LZ researcher holding top of prototype detector
LZ researcher assembling top of Prototype
LZ researcher putting on top of prototype
One end of the Prototype Detector
LZ researcher assembling Detector Prototype
Top of Detector Prototype
LZ researchers finishing top of Prototype

Hanging Up the Prototype Detector

LZ researchers getting ready to hang out Prototype
LZ researchers getting ready to hand up Prototype
LZ researchers hanging up Prototype
LZ researchers finished hanging up Prototype

Photos courtesy of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Steffen Luitz (SLAC), and Matt Kapust (SURF).